AHPI strives to fulfil objectives, of the International Convent on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to which India has acceded and by which society and community has right to health in terms of availability (quantity to meet needs), accessibility (non-discriminatory and affordable), acceptability (ethical) and quality (clinically sound).
AHPI, as conglomeration of entire healthcare providers i.e. hospitals/nursing homes/clinics, diagnostic centres, medical equipment companies, insurance providers and all others that are accountable to the community, will work closely with the key stake holders i.e. the Government and the Society to realise the universal health coverage.
AHPI will collaborate and partner with other associations, accrediting bodies, regulatory agencies, councils, research institutions, academic institutions and solicit their support to realise the vision and mission as above.
AHPI will actively work with the government, policy making institutions, various commissions and committees on proposed legislations/regulations and other reforms, which can enable healthcare providers to deliver affordable healthcare services.
AHPI will promote and recognise the highest professional and ethical standards, healthcare service delivery, innovative medical technology and applied research for the betterment of patient safety and community Well Being.
Enabling Objective
AHPI will help member organizations to comply with regulatory and other requirements as appropriate, related to infrastructure and manpower, based on the type of the facility i.e. teaching hospital, tertiary/secondary care hospital or clinic. It will also help them complying with minimum clinical protocols on patient safety. The Association will institute peer evaluation mechanism based on the best practices to carry out above tasks.
AHPI will assist the member organizations in analysis of secondary data associated with healthcare performance across multiple dimensions and create national depository of healthcare indicators.
AHPI will institute unique national awards to recognize and encourage the Leadership initiatives related to community health services.
AHPI will institute and administer certified training programs as CME, based on well-designed body of knowledge within healthcare management, in the areas of quality (clinical & managerial), facility management, nursing etc. as needed by the healthcare providers.
AHPI will function as communication hub and notify members on national and international affairs which may have ramifications for Indian healthcare providers. Association will have a resource centre, which besides bringing out regular NEWS BULETTIN will also coordinate and collate to bring out publications on topics of expertise as needed by the healthcare providers.
AHPI in time to come will create centres of excellence in knowledge management i.e. Centre for Healthcare Governance, Centre for Healthcare Research and Quality etc.
AHPI will coordinate and comprehend efforts to extend value added services to its members to improve overall governance, which may include, working green, complying with regulatory requirements, implementing accreditation standard, establishing quality improvement framework (5S, Kaizen, Lean, Six Sigma) etc. The overall objective once again would be to help members to be cost/quality competitive to meet the objectives of the Association.
AHPI will promote the member bodies and their services to the public (including medical tourism); simulate greater awareness through various means of communication between member bodies and the society/community.
AHPI will collaborate with national and international FORUMS, engaged in work of similar nature to have access to best practices and may undertake on request training & quality improvement activities abroad.
AHPI will establish an empowered secretariat to help member organizations (single window solution concept) in building capacities to realise the mission and objectives as stated above.